You are making your dance dress or preparing your project, I offer you individual and personalized 1 hour video lessons.What you will learn:
- which fabrics to use for different parts of the dress.
- cut and assemble the cut pieces with your patterns, techniques and tips for more efficiency.
- creation of layering, neckline, opening in the back and closures.
- the elastics in the panties and all the openings at the top.
- skirt creation and fabric management to have volume.
- finishing of skirts and use of crinoline.
- decoration: stones, rhinestones, guipure, feather etc.
Courses in French, English and Russian.
- beginner sewing basics,
- have a sewing machine (overlocker would be a plus but it is not obligatory),
- have fabrics.
- have a sewing mannequin.
You are in the process of making your dance dress or preparing your project, I will provide you with individual and personalized 1 hour video lessons.What you will learn:
- what fabrics to use for different parts of the dress.
- cut and assemble the cut pieces with your patterns, techniques and tips for more efficiency.
- creation of layering, neckline, opening in the back and closures.
- the elastics in the panties and all the openings at the top.
- creation of a skirt and fabric management for volume.
- finishing of the skirt, use of crinoline.
- decoration: stones, rhinestones, guipure, feather etc.
Lessons in French, English and Russian.
- beginner sewing basics,
- have a sewing machine (overlock would be a plus but it is not mandatory),
- have fabrics.
- have a tailoring dummy
Please wait for the dance dress to get to your project, it's the pre-designed one. It is an individual and personalized video product ностью 1 час.
What you will find here:
- The fabric is suitable for the wedding dress.
- technology and sovets how to design and how to adjust the size of the dress effective.
- There are many details, decorations, spins and locks.
- The box is the bottom of the bag and the box is next to it.
- This is how the skirt and the fabric are attached to the item.
- отделка юбок, использование кринолина.
- украшение: камни, стразы, гипюр, перья и др.
Курсы is a French, English and Russian language.
- basic words,
- иметь швейную машину (оверлок был бы плюсом, но не обязательно),
- иметь ткани,
- иметь швейный манекен
Sewing classes
Après votre reglement envoyez nous un mail avecvos disponibilités et la description de votre projet.
After your payment, send us an email with your availability and the description of your project.
После оплаты отправьте нам электронное письмо для организации вашего урока а также с описанием вашего проекта.